Gumby World

My kids, my life, my need for a sanity check.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Thrill of Family Outings....

We have been on a couple of family trips recently. We went to a state park that have cave 2 weeks ago and the kids had so much fun. We took a picnic and went on the tour. We thought we would tempt fate one more time and went on a trip last weekend. We only go about an hour away from home (just about right with 5 kids and only 1 Nintendo DS to share).

Since we went below the earth last time we went up into the mountains this time. The kids had so much fun. They discovered the thrill of water....

And the thrill of climbing rocks....

The thrill of running through the woods searching to rescue imaginary princesses from horrible dragons....

The thrill of relaxing and enjoying one another....

Jeff's and My biggest thrill? We loved watching the kids have fun. We loved spending time together as a family. We loved the cool air in the mountains. But the biggest love.... watching the car that was tailgating us, that we had to pull over and let them pass us, get pulled over right around the next bend. I'll admit it. We laughed and I would have snapped a shot if the cop wasn't just walking up to her car and watching us. Our thrills are cheap. Which is a good thing with 5 kids to raise and launch.


  • At 9:20 AM , Blogger Chelle Y. said...

    I looks like you have a lot of fun with your family! Those girls are going to remember it when they get older! :)

  • At 12:45 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

    Gorgeous photos! What a fun family trip. And yes, my husband and I would have been high fiving over the tailgater who got pulled over. Because we're sweet like that. ;)

  • At 11:26 PM , Blogger Jen said...

    Wow - great pictures. Simple thrills are the best kind.


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