Gumby World

My kids, my life, my need for a sanity check.

Monday, October 20, 2008

And Now She is 8.....

Look at that 8 year old face... She is full of energy but not. She is so strong but not. She has made me become a better, patient Mother and I needed her. She was born with her volume on LOUD and is still going strong and LOUD. I can't wait to see what she makes of this world and what the world makes of her. She has 2 loose teeth and thinks she should stay home tomorrow. When I asked what she wanted for her birthday supper she said "Mac and Cheese with some Tuna" My easy supper.. how can a Mother not LOVE that. It's her Birthday and I'm so happy. I love you my Georgia Beans. Smooches and hugs and Happy Birthday all day long.

Friday, October 17, 2008

She turned 2... Where did the time go...

I know. I know. I say with all the kids just different ages but it is so true. I find it amazing how much they learn in 2 years. Physically and mentally they start out so dependent on us for everything and within 2 years become so independent. Having opinions, talking, jumping, yelling, laughing, screaming, giggling, stripping, playing, running, loving, hugging, kissing.... so many wonderful learning moments. I think it is more for me than her, all these moments. I look at her and smile. She makes me laugh. I bless the day Silvia Fiona came into our lives and have loved every day. I can't wait to see what the future brings my way for her. I love you, Silvia!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Teenage Boys... Not Sure I Can Figure Them Out

Andrew has some friends over. In the span of 10 minutes they were laughing and hitting... Then the plans for a video they are making starts going south. They argue over the direction of the video and whether it makes sense. Then someone got hurt (I'm not sure how that one happened). One was gripping. One asking what was going on. One was going home in a flurry of apologies. Arguing over him not going home. Then they were all going to his home to work on the video they were "discussing" earlier. They just walked out the door arguing, laughing and hitting.

Can I admit that if they happened (which in some ways it has) with the girls it would take 2 days to find out how it all started and they then might call each other to talk if the stars were aligned.

Maybe it is just teenage kids I don't understand.