Gumby World

My kids, my life, my need for a sanity check.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Most Favorite Time of the Year...

The First Day of School. I loved it as a kid. I loved the new clothes (one of the few times we got new clothes and shoes), new crayons, the smell of new books, seeing my old friends, reading new words... Every thing seemed so new. A new beginning. I loved it. I am happy to announce that my kids love school too.

The traditional "who wants to be asleep right now" picture:

AND I'm happy to announce that Charlotte is going to school 2 afternoons a week at her sisters school. She is happy too...

So I guess it is just you and me baby!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Questions I Get in My House....

Catherine: Why does the Leprecon get the cereal but the Rabbit can't?

Me: Who knows but the Lucky Charms do have magical powers. They are Magically delicious!

Did anyone warn you of the questions you would get when you had kids?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Can Not Read Fast Enough...

Before kids: 1 day

After kids: Started in earnest 24 hrs after I bought it
Am still reading it and only half way through 72 hours after I bought it
Will finish tonight if it is the last thing I do.

Things change when kids come along. I'm afraid that when I do have time to indulge in my love of books I will be blind. Off to send kids to school and read.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The cost of a Lemonade Stand?

Poster board and new markers? $4.50

The making of lemonade and snicker doodle cookies? $3.75
(I'm not counting the cost of clean up after the little "mishap" with the flour)

Seed money and cost of miscellaneous? $12.00

Making a dream come true and a memory of a life time? PRICELESS

~~Best Friends Forever~~

Friday, July 13, 2007

"Momma, Do You Know Why I'm Drawing Zig-Zags?"

"Why are you drawing zig-zags, Georgia?"

"Because my Best Friend left and zig zags mean I have a broken heart and I miss her. Zig Zags make me sad, Momma."

"They make me sad too, Georgia."

We zig-zag you, friends from Arkansas!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friends Make This World So Much Better...

We have been so blessed to have our friends come to visit. I can't imagine a better time. Here is our first wave....

Charlotte and Will....

Silvia and Sophie....

Catherine and Ryane .....

Saying Goodbye Bites!

The week held everything from hugging, crying, eating, swimming, fighting, tattooing, eating, reading, shopping, eating, drinking, Wiiing, eating, training (ie Thomas!) and so much more.

Stay tuned for the next wave.....

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Jennifer, I've Been Waiting To See ...

if you have any words of wisdom over the latest move by our President. I knew that before the end of his term he would help Mr. Libby out but did not know he would move so fast. I think of other people who served their time for things we might brush off as trite. Martha Stewart was grace when it came to doing her time that came with the crime. Some how HER "crime" was worse than betrayal of a country? My man Keith Olbermann has said it perfectly... resign.